Friday, December 31, 2010
Out with the old and in with the new: ramblings.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Talking about pain
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
German shepherd puppies, cloned from hero 9/11 search and rescue dog, come to L.A.
The world might clamor, no not humans: God created life!
Favored movies, books, and in fact for many years now, cloning, and genetics manipulation in plants and humans, are used to create new species, medical discoveries and treatments. Dolly, one of the first actual cloning of an animal - that the world is privy to - made an uproar sending religious groups to their pulpits wagging holy writs and passing the baskets of salvation.
So, on what shelf are believers in creation putting life conceived in a lab and by Eves without Adams? Per the media, one man has conceived at least twice.
Now another cloning success made public, the cloning of Trakr, one of the 9-11 rescue dogs.
What does cloning do to abortion when it is a scientific fact that an unadulterated cell is capable of replicating a whole human, we now have creation without conception, and life is adulterated in a lab?
We don’t know how far cloning has extended to humans because we like to think that the entire world is under our religious rules, laws, life, and science.
No amount of ranting and raving from those who want to preserve the status quo of where life comes from, how it is made, and what happens when we die, makes a difference. Just as when it was discovered that the world was not flat at a time when it was a sacrilege and a source of terror, not just that we could drop of the face of the earth, but all hell had to be at the bottom and heaven on top. Yet, despite all the tizz, the world is round.
Who, what, where, when, and why clone? What does cloning do to humans? Are there human clones, where are they and how many? Do they have a soul? Do they go to heaven, hell, have a God and can they be saved? Could cloning become a right to continuance of life?
As for me, in my manger this Christmas is still the God I found several decades ago that saved my life. An infinite God not restricted to a race, religion, or class. He/She has commandments that I strive, to the best of my humanity, to live-by, and a life philosophy of ‘do unto to others as you want done unto you’. Church is a good fellowship not a saving grace.
Report: Republican Repeal of Health Care Reform ‘Dangerous’ | AFL-CIO NOW BLOG
Is the will of the people, spoken with their new elected and empowered mouthpieces, to have their greedy electorate turn their backs on healthcare reform?
We need healthcare now for all. Yes, despite those who have healthcare and do not want, for their convenience and proper healthcare, crowded hospitals, clinics and doctors offices because, what if they can’t get in to see their doctor or have a procedure? They want to be the death panels for others and spread “the what about me and mine”. God forbid they might have to wait or die because they can’t get healthcare because to many will be eligible for healthcare and not just die form lack of healthcare. They want others to die not them not theirs.
HEALTH CARE NOW, for all or no healthcare for greedy politicians opposed to healthcare only because the healthcare for profit industry are lining their pockets. Without the billions made by the healthcare industry we could have a clinic in every corner and a doctor for every patient.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Google Shakes Up the E-Book Market
Is it the right of the righteous, drool of disdain, or bite from a bully?
Thursday, December 16, 2010
How to Protect a Word Document | eHow.com
The next diet fad: Imagine yourself pigging out
Ok, so it makes some sense that food-porn might be the answer to gastro satisfaction sans calories, a look-ma-no-mouth. After all, porn has been the quintessential pleasure escape of the lonely, sick of the same old-same, fantasy escape for the sexually needy and addict, secretive-closet-doer and dreamer's paradise. And a sure cachink for those who publish it.
So now, we have food porn to induce a food-orgasmic experience. Will it be enough to look at pictures of food? Will it break us into doing the deed? Hand to mouth or face to plate? Can it be as satisfying as eating it?
Well, all is in the mind and getting from one place to another starts as a mind trip. Having and not having is a mind choice. Doing and not is instigated by desire but the master planner is our brain. A geographic, of any kind starts with a vision.
So where can food porners indulge in their food- gratification experience to get the biggest bang? It all depends on how much drooling; mulling and wolfing one wants to do.
Some attest (I agree) that one can have an orgasmic experience in the mind without anyone knowing but there are times when physical additives add to momentum and make the outcome more pronounced, satisfying and gratifying.
How, when and where can one get physical with food porn? And, what is the defining line between food and food sensuality?
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Why we love bad writing
Thursday, December 09, 2010
John Lennon stand by me
Monday, December 06, 2010
"Wonders in the Sky": Why we've always been obsessed with UFOs
Saturday, December 04, 2010
Tax increase vote is "chicken crap"
Sirius Radio: The Refuge for Frothing Racist, Homophobic Right-Wingers Like Dr. Laura | | AlterNet
Tax cuts: The party that says no does it again
Official BURLESQUE Trailer - In Theaters 11/24
C. Hope Clark: Intergeneration Storytelling Contest 2011
Friday, December 03, 2010
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
The turkey gobbled all the way home....
True love or not?
Household Chemicals Linked to Early Puberty, Infertility
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
Why the loss of jobs and firing frenzy in the last decades.
Saturday, October 09, 2010
Who is giving our jobs away?
Friday, October 08, 2010
Sex for work is not news in movie industry.
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Friday, October 01, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Alarming initiatives
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Letter to God: About faith
Why are schools failing in America?
Monday, September 27, 2010
Ask a Literary Agent
This blog has now reached its one year mark, and I thought it would be convenient for readers to have all the information from year one easily at their fingertips. I have thus assembled all of the questions and answers from year one into a PDF file, so you can conveniently have all of this information in one place, and can read it at your leisure, whether it's on your computer, or on your favorite e-reader. To download, visit:www.lukeman.com/askaliteraryagent.htm
War on privacy
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Unions protect jobs
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
What President Obama has done
Monday, September 20, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
A political Ponzi scheme
Republicans give the cuts to the middle.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Protect Your Slogan - Entrepreneur.com
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Fear of loosing the 'white power'
Triple Exposure
Latino voters must not be swayed by a few Spanish words.
The new "n" word Republicans/t-gaggers/FOX have for Latins is "i" for "illegals" and for the children of Latins "anchor babies".
I met Kevin
Friday, September 03, 2010
Obama attacks Republicans
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
More than ever ALL politician's salaries MUST be investigated.
best beauty product
Hair rpoducts: "Sally Hershberger Supreme Head Shampoo for Normal to Thin Hair ($9.50, Walgreens) or Pureology PureVolume Shampoo ($26, pureology.com).
For hairspray "We like Pantene Pro-V Classic Hairspray Flexible Hold ($4, drugstores) and Jonathan Finish Control High Shine Flexible Hairspray ($30, Sephora).
"Avoid too-tight ponytails, teasing... Disguise sparse areas with CRC Concealing Color ($28.50, qvc.com)... just to the roots, and combing it through to the ends for only the last five minutes.
"Antiaging Products for Your Hair.... L’OrĆ©al Professionnel SĆ©rie Expert Age Densiforce Shampoo ($20, us.lorealprofessionnel.com) and Masque ($30) ...A budget-friendlier option... Dove Pro-Age Shampoo and Conditioner ($6 each, drugstores).
"Make the (Right) Cut: Tips for Younger-Looking Hairstyles... a length anywhere between your collarbone and chin... Avoid a choppy, overly layered cut if hair is thinning ...Instead, opt for a cut with long layers and subtle graduation, rather than shorter layers throughout... soften the edges by wearing gentle waves or curls around your face. If a fuller, round face is the issue, do the opposite — a sleek, straight look is an easy way to instantly counteract heaviness..."Side-swept bangs give you a fun, youthful vibe," Monahan says.
"Fullness Fake-It: How to Fake Fuller Hair...Mousse is unbeatable ...rubbing it in your palms first deflates its airiness...TresemmƩ Tres Mousse Extra Hold ($4, drugstores).