Friday, December 22, 2017
Thursday, December 21, 2017
At 87, Deer Isle author reflects on publishing and his latest novel | Island Ad-Vantages | Penobscot Bay Press
At 87, Deer Isle author reflects on publishing and his latest novel | Island Ad-Vantages | Penobscot Bay Press: With a view of Eggemoggin Reach stretching out to the horizon and winter chickadees flitting to and from a bird feeder, 87-year-old author Paul Newlin traces the cover of his latest book, The Adventures of Jack Armstron: The Not-Quite All-American Boy, with one finger.
He describes himself as a writer of realism but said the “one thing I think is the hallmark of my writing is the humor in it.”
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Do Adam and Eve Fit into the Evolutionary Story?
“It is obvious that modern humans did not interbreed with hominins living over 500,000 years ago. It is also clear that there was no single 'Adam' and 'Eve' but rather groups of 'Adams and Eves' living side by side and wandering together in our world.”
Do Adam and Eve Fit into the Evolutionary Story?
Do Adam and Eve Fit into the Evolutionary Story?
Wednesday, December 06, 2017
Her screams and his grunts
Her screams and his grunts
Monday, November 27, 2017
Thank you for the reviews!

For those of you who celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope you had a good and safe time. I'm very grateful to have gone to our son's, were most of us gathered, and then we stopped to see another son. Came home late last night very tired and have had a peaceful day communicating with readers and writing to others while my husband was busy doing stuff outside.
I am delighted that reviews on Amazon are few but good, haven't seen the other sites yet, The Sylph's Tale is moving along, would love some questions and also more reviews; please and thank you!
I understand from the reviews that some sites have it for free and that's great. Here is an excerpt from Google:
Saturday, November 25, 2017
Has social media become our altar and pew?
Are we linked from the gut to the soul to digital marketing?
Your author-self dragging?
Need some pick-me-up from the floor of pessimism or doubts of worth as a novelist? Need to pull back to your computer or pad, or whatever tool you prefer for creating your masterpieces - because my friend, someday we might be recognized.
I know about crawling under the rock of fear. I just published the first book of my series, expected a slice of praise, maybe not a bang but a touch of hoopla, well I am feeling discouraged. Waited until I finished the next two novels and although the first one is a short tale, it is necessary to introduce the main protagonists before moving onto what evolves, however, even those who stated they loved it have not given me a review!
So here I am telling you that if you are in a down place, keep the faith, read up on many experts, including writers, who crashed when alive, were considered mediocre, or peculiar but are raved on after death. What good is that for us now? But if we could do other than write would we? Most of us have had different achievements and tried other roads more traveled to no avail and returned to the pen or keyboard, even with bruised egos.
Here are few inspirational quotes to trash or hang onto as we paddle back to the bank of hope. We might also read about authors who published great books and still hassle with publishers.

So here I am telling you that if you are in a down place, keep the faith, read up on many experts, including writers, who crashed when alive, were considered mediocre, or peculiar but are raved on after death. What good is that for us now? But if we could do other than write would we? Most of us have had different achievements and tried other roads more traveled to no avail and returned to the pen or keyboard, even with bruised egos.
Here are few inspirational quotes to trash or hang onto as we paddle back to the bank of hope. We might also read about authors who published great books and still hassle with publishers.
30 Indispensable Writing Tips From Famous Authors
Marta C Weeks author of The Sylph's Tale: http://www.martacweeks.comSunday, November 19, 2017
Hi!I'm excited this week! The Sylph's Tale has been released in digital in all the major retailers! If you grabbed your copy, a review would be amazing :)If you haven't bought it yet, you can buy now by choosing what retailer you prefer: Amazon, iBooks, Nook, GooglePlay.Here's the link: I really appreciate everybody who has been following my publishing endeavors and my writing. Therefore, I want to thank my mom Carmen, who asked me to include her in my author's name. The letter C stands for you, Mom. I also want to remember my late husband, Victor, whom I rode a rollercoaster life that inspired my creativity.My husband Charles has a special place in my heart for all that he does for me. He not only reads my prose, poetry, and media but also judiciously revises and makes creative contributions.
I also want to thank my friends and neighbors who like my work and volunteer to read, question, and suggest changes. In particular, author Gwendolyn Kristie, but also the members of the Sierra Writers and the dismantled Elk Grove Writing groups.Lastly, my heart goes to my family who supported my creativity after my retirement, yet loses me into my own worlds and events that crowd my mind. You are all in my heart and I might seem disconnected from reality from time to time, but I love you all.Thank you to all my readers for their support,Marta.
thank you,
The Sylph's Tale
Thursday, November 09, 2017
Authors! 87-year-old proves you’re never too old to write your first book
Millennials overtake Baby Boomers as America’s largest generation.
Jus think what former hippies, flower-children, war protestors and innovators can write about!
Authors! 87-year-old proves you’re never too old to write your first book
bay boomer authors
Saturday, November 04, 2017
The Sylph's Tale
I hope all is well with you all.
I have amazing news, The Sylph's Tale is available for pre-order on several retailers:
I have amazing news, The Sylph's Tale is available for pre-order on several retailers:
My assistant, Marcy Anderson is curating my reviewing team. Therefore, I really need to know who will be willing to receive a copy and then leave a review.
Meaning that I'm looking for ARC readers. Go here to grab an ARC:
My dream of having these books published is finally coming true. If you want to help me out you can by ordering my ebook. Paperbacks will be available only for book 2 and 3, however, book 2 will have a special bonus that consists of book 1.
Thank you for being a loyal follower,
Leo Horoscope, November 4, 2017
Leo Horoscope, November 4, 2017: Reflecting on your life purpose helps you clarify your current path. A...
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
J. K. Rowling comes for Trump in a single tweet
Really love that the author JK Rawlings has no problems in speaking her truth.
J. K. Rowling comes for Trump in a single tweet: The acclaimed author proves her chops in lengthy novels and in 140 characters or less; beware Trump
J. K. Rowling comes for Trump in a single tweet: The acclaimed author proves her chops in lengthy novels and in 140 characters or less; beware Trump
Friday, October 27, 2017
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Saturday, October 07, 2017
Free: Self Publishing PDF

If you are considering self-publishing, as I'm, you might also feel lost in a maze of possibilities, here is a short instructional I came across, a helpful and free PDF from BookBaby.
Five steps To Self Publish from Bookbaby, a reputable self-publishing source.
"All the essential information you need to go from manuscript to marketplace"
feeling lost,
self publishing
Wednesday, October 04, 2017
Monday, October 02, 2017
Marta C. Weeks: Update: SYLPHS; or, IMMORTALS, a trilogy
Marta C. Weeks: Update: SYLPHS; or, IMMORTALS, a trilogy: Hi everyone and welcome! After completing edits on Book One I have given a new title to The Sylph's Tale; or SYLPHS; or, ANGEL HUMANS,...
Update: SYLPHS; or, IMMORTALS, a trilogy
Hi everyone and welcome!
After completing edits on Book One I have given a new tile to The Sylph's Tale; or SYLPHS; or, ANGEL HUMANS, the trilogy.
Update: SYLPHS; or, IMMORTALS, a trilogy
For more please go to:
After completing edits on Book One I have given a new tile to The Sylph's Tale; or SYLPHS; or, ANGEL HUMANS, the trilogy.
Update: SYLPHS; or, IMMORTALS, a trilogy
For more please go to:
Emotional health for today
October 1, 2017
We have learned that the satisfaction of instincts cannot be the sole end and aim of our lives.
If we place instincts first, we have got the cart before the horse; we shall be pulled backward into disillusionment.
But when we are willing to place spiritual growth first—then and only then do we have a real chance.
- 12 Steps & 12 Traditions, p. 114
We have learned that the satisfaction of instincts cannot be the sole end and aim of our lives.
If we place instincts first, we have got the cart before the horse; we shall be pulled backward into disillusionment.
But when we are willing to place spiritual growth first—then and only then do we have a real chance.
- 12 Steps & 12 Traditions, p. 114
Thought to Ponder
Growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional, growing spiritually is up to me.
Growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional, growing spiritually is up to me.
Monday, September 25, 2017
The Rapist (a novel) by Les Edgerton, magnificent
Hi everyone, I'm told by several readers that The Rapist by Les Edgerton, I submarize, A "magnificent read."
Les Edgerton,
The Rapist
27 Reasons to Read Guide to Literary Agents 2018 (and Win a Free Book!)
27 Reasons to Read Guide to Literary Agents 2018 (and Win a Free Book!): The Guide to Literary Agents 2018 edition is out. Here are 27 reasons why you should grab a copy today and start your search for a literary agent.
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Monday, September 04, 2017
What are your favorite books on writing?
My favorite:
1) Dare to Be a Great Writer by Leonard Bishop
I met Mr. Bishop at a conference in June 2000. He not only inspired me but gave me a four-page letter with comments and suggestions. I continue to learn from Leonard Bishop and find inspiration and encouragement when I feel like giving up.
2) HOOKED by Les Edgerton

4) Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within, by Natalie Goldberg
Was one of the first books on writing I read and that continues to inspire me.
3) Unless It Moves the Human Heart by Roger Rosenblat
A deep and giving book on writing that taught me how to reach into what really counts.
5) On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft, by Stephen King
The KING taught me that I don't have have to bore a reader by including everything in my book and that I can write under any circumstance.
6) The Artist Way by Julia Camero
One of the very first books I read on writing and that freed me from inhibitions
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Seeking reader and publication suggestions
Hi, and thanks for visiting.
I would really appreciate readers, publication suggestions and comments for The Sylph's Tale. The novella that introduces the angel and his beloved. Book one of the SYLPHS; or, ANGEL HUMANS trilogy.
Book One: The Sylph's Tale, is 15,899 words.
In prehistoric times, a virgin escaping rape runs into an Archangel's earthly paradise. He is commanded, "Take your Eve" but damned to be a being without a soul. From their immortal love, rises a world of angel humans. *Warning: Adult content.
*Cover is art from Daniel Chester French (1850-1931) - Immortal Love

I would really appreciate readers, publication suggestions and comments for The Sylph's Tale. The novella that introduces the angel and his beloved. Book one of the SYLPHS; or, ANGEL HUMANS trilogy.
Book One: The Sylph's Tale, is 15,899 words.
In prehistoric times, a virgin escaping rape runs into an Archangel's earthly paradise. He is commanded, "Take your Eve" but damned to be a being without a soul. From their immortal love, rises a world of angel humans. *Warning: Adult content.
*Cover is art from Daniel Chester French (1850-1931) - Immortal Love

Saturday, August 26, 2017
Tuesday, August 08, 2017
Hi and thanks for visiting,
I’m seeking representation for SYLPHS; or, ANGEL HUMANS, a fantasy/ paranormal trilogy of about 99,000 words. The trilogy opens with a novelette that introduces the archangel and his beloved.
Book One: The Sylph's Tale, about 16,000 words.
In prehistoric times, a virgin escaping rape runs into an Archangel's earthly paradise. He is commanded, "Take your Eve" but damned to be a being without a soul. From their immortal love, rises a world of angel humans.
*Cover is art from Daniel Chester French (1850-1931) - Immortal Love
Book Two: Virgins, about 44,000 words.
In prehistoric times, a virgin escaping rape runs into an Archangel's earthly paradise. He is commanded, "Take your Eve" but damned to be a being without a soul. From their immortal love, rises a world of angel humans.
*Cover is art from Daniel Chester French (1850-1931) - Immortal Love

From caves to castles: In 1841, seduced by voices just like Haya’s, Ayekah finds other virgins. From them - in the Middle East, Europe, and America - are born five generations of twins. One is fertile the other is the watcher. The women are strong and wise, have extraordinary lives ruled by traditions and rituals, passed and upheld by the oldest, keep them trapped in secrets.
Ayekah, like a master puppeteer, rules their destiny.
*Virgins cover by Bob Keck: Owner/Photographer/Artist at Digital Dreams
*Virgins cover by Bob Keck: Owner/Photographer/Artist at Digital Dreams
A New World unfolds. Not from the heart of religious prophecy but the mind of technology. An event once holy will be seen as evil. Ray, a Genetic Scientist, battles with right and wrong while developing a study that brings ROLO, a cybernetic clone, to life. Ary, a Parapsychologist, foresees that Ray’s plan can drive humankind to extinction and feels compelled to stop her. As the head of Tardell Corporation, Sigrid Liera (Sig) makes Ray and himself a living part of ROLO. But Ray and Rolo's disappearance under the raging waters of Hurricane Mitch starts a spiral that will change humanity.
coming out novel,
Sunday, August 06, 2017
Thursday, August 03, 2017
Monday, July 17, 2017
Make your writing voice yours

Ever hear the saying, truth sets you free? We hear write this way not that way, be as perfect as you can, never make a grammar mistake. Those things are true to an extent, in this article, you will find how not to be scared of your voice.
"We all have pet phrases, tics, favored slang, mispronounced words, emotion-driven fragments and run-ons. From all these things, our personality emerges vividly to those around us. The same is true in our writing: the limitless possibilities of imperfect language allow us to reveal to our readers our own personalities and, by extension, the personality of our stories and our characters."
Read, Writing Voice: 6 Things You Need to Know to Improve It
how to get your own voice,
writing voice
Sunday, July 16, 2017
Tuesday, July 04, 2017
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Getting Started with Google Analytics
If you want to learn about Google Analytics? I am learning today for the firs time by taking this free courses.
Thursday, June 22, 2017
Know why to self-publish or find agent/publisher
@2011Marta |
Sunday, June 11, 2017
Just read: At War in the Garden of Eden by BY JENNIFER PERCY

More information on Jenifer Percy:
Wednesday, June 07, 2017
William Kenower on Fearless Writing
How do I get out of my way and write my best work? My quest is to free my writing from what I think my readers will think, want or say.
free your writing
Monday, May 29, 2017
Are you a slacker or a sweet spot seeker?
Ever feel that not adhering to a regimen is goofing off, or
unproductive when doing what you enjoy, or just checking emails, social media
sites while still in bed drinking coffee and watching the news in the
morning? Or watching some of your saved shows at night?
Because English is my second language, but I left my country of
origin Nicaagua, when I was in my early teens and after I became a citizen I
didn’t return since ust actually I’m not usre I’m a
This morning, after my computer prompted "drive is full"
I was cleaning up saved docs when I came across an article from years ago. The Seven Habits
of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey. His story of a
woodcutter sawing to the point of exhaustion while trying to take down a tree.
"When a man suggests that he could get done quicker by taking a break to
sharpen his saw. The woodcutter says: "I don't have time to sharpen the
saw. Don't you see I'm too busy?"
I related while doing edits on my novel VIRGINS to send
to an editor when my software started to crash. The nice people at Apple
said, after hours of trying to fix the problem, “you have to contact Microsoft,
you have an old version of Word.” It’s a good thing I was able
to put the rest of my life on hold because, after hours, by the time I got
to the people at Word I was angry and inclined to believe Microsoft started
the crash to get me to pay for new upgrades. After 11 pm, on the edge of the
deadline, I submitted my first three chapters to the editor and worked on my
short story The Dream, to meet the deadline for a Horror Writers contest.
Btw, while all that MS stuff hit I was in the midst of family
events we had to attend and a screenwriting class with ISA. Can’t wait to carve
out the time to learn the software but submitted a logline for Virgins; some
say "it would make a great movie or a series like Game of
Thrones." But first, I need to catch up on a class with The
University of Iowa, The Power of the Pen, which is what incited me to write
this article, guess I needed to get all this frustration off my shoulders and
share it in the first class.
Still the “are you done yet?” creeps in with “I must learn the new
Word upgraded.” It is then I come upon this article saved from the
Huffington Post, Can
You Achieve More by Doing Less? By Rose Caiola. And I pray, Universe,
please help me put away the do not procrastinate hammer. Covey suggests
we nurture ourselves and return to our tasks “refreshed, with a better attitude
and more focus.” So, what makes up nurturing? Caiola suggests we find our
“sweet spot.”
What a great concept my “SWEET SPOT” - maybe not what you’re
thinking - but how awesome to allow myself “uninterrupted blocks of time” to do
my work and nourish my body so as not to burn out. Today as I go forth to find
my ‘sweet spot’ I will also post this article on my blog. Haven’t written for
my blog in over a month, will, shelve the “are you done yet?”
Oh, how ‘sweet spot’ it is!
Huffington Post,
MS problems,
Rose Caiola,
Stephen Covey,
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