Sunday, April 19, 2015

To be successful send a thank you note when rejected.

This caught my attention, "Thank you Papa Hemingway. By the way, Ernest Hemingway self-published his first book, Three Stories and Ten Poems, after a rejection letter and look at his success! What the author whose work was rejected, (there's that unpleasant word again), should have done is bitch and moan in private and then send a polite letter or email to the agent thanking her for taking time to read his manuscript."
I just got a poetry rejection, after waiting three months, from a fabulous magazine, so I goggled "sample of thank you letter for rejection by publisher" and got the following: On Writer's Relief, Famous Author Rejection Letters: True Stories Of Unbelievable Rejections. An excellent article with lots of worthwhile comments but does not have a letter to a rejection. But in other sites, according to what I read, my rejection invites me to continue submitting work: "We do, however, look forward to reading more” that put a smile on my face. I will reply by sending a couple of more poems.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

27 writing contests, almost all are free.

About writing contests. 
For novels, short stories, poetry fiction or non-fiction from medical mysteries to romance and science fiction the most trusted sites are Poets&Writers, PE, Predators&Editors and the Writer's Guild OfAmerica, West. Said sites are also valuable if you are looking for conferences, agents, publishers, workshops, attorneys, etc.
Today I came upon The Write Life , with a quick list of 27 Free Writing Contests: Legitimate Competitions WithCash Prizes, a couple should not be listed because they are not free, but the site is a useful resource.
It is important to the sites to know if you have entered any of the contests or used services listed that are useful or a rip-off.

Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Friday, April 03, 2015

Good Friday

I wish you a Good Friday, will return on Easter Sunday. 

Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Who the heck needs writers and publishers?

The book industry is reeling because Amazon can now produce books without authors! Kindle Author is like Amazon having 50 thousand writers and thousands of books that don't cost them anything to publish from and with.  Every book is generated by the maker and anyone can do it. Are movie scripts next? Historically and scientifically and accurate books? That's already part of it.
New Amazon Service Eliminates the Need for Authors
Read and see "how Amazon modified At left I show how Amazon modified the book listing page for Fifty Shades of Grey by EL James.  “Don’t want this book?" asks Amazon front and center on the page.  "Build your own for free with Kindle Author!"  
PS! This article was an April FOOLS Day punk by Mark Coker author for SMASHWORDS!!!