Hi, and welcome!
Early in childhood, disabled from polio, I read every book within reach in my grandparent's store attic. Once in high school, I took public speaking and, much to my surprise, won an award. After graduating, I went into modeling and dancing. While a stay-at-home mom, I taught dance and, in college, hosted a local TV show.
After Victor, my husband, became ill, I went to work and to college. When he passed away, I was a Public Relations Specialist and Counselor. In the last ten years before retiring, I was a Research Analyst and remarried. Now, I write and live in Northern California with my husband, a Model Train Collector who enjoys filming.
About "On Wings Of Immortals" - the series I am completing.
Book one, Ayekah The Damned, starts when Celestials witness the beginning of human creation, and all is well until the Almightys (male and female in one) name six as Archangels and one as Archangel Of Light (AOL) to watch over humans.
The following three books are Virgins, ROLO, and Maculatum.
If you are an agent or publisher, please message or contact me at mdcmdaw@gmail.com.
Possible front page for book one: AYEKAH THE DAMNED
Your comments are appreciated.
This is awesome!!! Keep moving.