Saturday, May 26, 2012

About learning screenwriting.

The article on Killing Creativity: Why Kids Draw Pictures of Monsters & Adults Don't meld in my mind with two interviews, one with Robert McKee and the other with Sid Kali and a saying by Einstein.

Just finished listening to 10 video interviews with Robert McKee - sure worth listening to, and learning from. McKee discusses the different methodologies and misguidance on what to do or not to do when writing a screenplay.

Does tons of how-to-and-not out there leave the creative mind paralyzed with not doing?

An interview with Sid Kali, on Movie Biz Coach, has the same warnings on movie making that can translate to writing or publishing-paralysis.

Creativity is the residue of time wasted. ~ Albert Einstein

The bottom line: so many contracting theories, techniques and methodologies make for a hugely lucrative market and one can get ideas, but they can become a maze with no way out, or a writer can spend so much time trying to find the right mace never braking free.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


After walking to the bridge at Karlova,
we found the river where at dusk the swans
dipped their beaks into the falls for sanctuary.
The trees closed in for shade. We gazed
through willows to the opposite hill, a single
light from a room growing thick with sadness.
Solemn smoke now cooked the evening meal.
We were just about to treat our hunger well
when, out of sunlight, undeclared,
a shaded mass of stone began to stretch
its neck along the slope.
It would scan the water for a quarter hour
before the foliage rubbed its throat,
some internal hunger now assuaged
for only moments, then again, the impulse
thumbed like whalebone on a drum.
The poplars began to rustle. A hawk
spiraling, like an aspen deep in chatter,
betrayed its nest to block the sun.
The dam below rose up to boulder water
as if to show how easily wars are won.
They feed the hunger wall, the waitress points,
the fingers in her skirt rubbing coins
her hands are shoring up to feed the past.
I don’t want the poor to endure me, she says
King Charles said to those he paid, as he watched
their faces, building borders, hunger for a wall,
as she faced the smoldering Vltava, watching hunger well.
(from THE HUNGER WALL, Grove/Atlantic)

Could not sleep so I researched some contests sites and found that MOST are not reliable... surprise, surprise... not really. On Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America I found this article, CONTESTS AND AWARDS that is worth looking at:

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


In this article one of the ways the writer suggest for getting published is to enter contests where agents and editors are the judges. She also talks about revising work given the feedback and recommendations received from the contest. I used tthink that entering contests was a waste of time and what if they stole my work, that is all out of my mind but I make sure the contest is valuable in that the judges are reputable and part of the contest prize is that they offer feedback, most do not.

Writer’s Craft #72 – Wasting Time in a Writer’s Colony

My comment: Enjoyed the honesty in your article, most reports on conferences, colonies and writing classes, are "it was so worth..." and then I go... and then I’m amongst the ones that wonders "what the heck?" Yet, once in awhile one meets an incredible teacher and author, as when I met the late Leonard Bishop at an Asilomar Conference. I also witness a once struggling author meet his beginnings at a conference. I was not able to attend the San Francisco Writers Conference - even though I wanted to very much – I am so grateful they nominated me a finalist in poetry and gave me new hope about my poetry. My take on all the tons of stuff out-there for writers: I investigate it as an investment in time and finances, but most of all I continue to write.

Hearing Voices: Women Versing Life presents The Pomegranate Papers

Hearing Voices: Women Versing Life presents The Pomegranate Papers