About learning
The article on Killing
Creativity: Why Kids Draw Pictures of Monsters & Adults Don't meld in my
mind with two interviews, one with Robert McKee and the other with Sid Kali and
a saying by Einstein.
Just finished listening to
10 video interviews with Robert McKee - sure worth listening to, and learning
from. McKee discusses the different methodologies and misguidance on what to do
or not to do when writing a screenplay.
Does tons of how-to-and-not
out there leave the creative mind paralyzed with not doing?
An interview with Sid Kali, on Movie Biz Coach, has the same warnings on movie making that can translate to
writing or publishing-paralysis.
Creativity is the residue of
time wasted. ~ Albert Einstein
The bottom line: so many
contracting theories, techniques and methodologies make for a hugely lucrative
market and one can get ideas, but they can become a maze with no way out, or a
writer can spend so much time trying to find the right mace never braking free.