After watching the video - link on this post - I though how words change to meet the times and how I'm not about good-old-times. Women were second-class citizens and cowboys had their way in their way. I like today. Online media and friends, one never meets, form across lands and time; it feels so Einstein: all is here and now.
The Between Here and Now (Planxty Melissa) Einstein's Little Homunculus From the Album Double Redundancy (so clever) Homunculus means: “Homunculus (masculine, Latin for "little human", plural: "homunculi"; from the diminutive of homo)” and would we do without Wikipedia? That’s another controversy form the past and the here and now.
Back to the video on Rosenblatt by PBS, no less, and AGAIN Rosenblatt moved my heart, for sure!
Rosenblatt said, the noun is very important it carries its own power and Emerson said a seed in a pod of his words, the Emerson called writing “the speaking language of things” and that Twain said “the difference between the word and the right word is the difference between the lightbug and the lighting”. It is all kinds of messages like those in Rosenblatt little book (homunculus book) that is filled with. “Writing is an important art is important for itself” people who love the work and want to do it. Writers need praise and encouragement rather then discouragement. Reasons Rosenblatt writes: “1) to make suffering endurable 2) evil intelligible 3) justice desirable 4) love possible.“
“Writing must be useful” to be useful is the only standard that matters. A writer must strive for “anticipation rather than imagination, suspense rather than surprise and to write with precision and restraint” to be useful “to make the world better”
I now need to go reinvent me.
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