Ok, so it makes some sense that food-porn might be the answer to
gastro satisfaction sans calories, a look-ma-no-mouth. After all, porn has been
the quintessential pleasure escape of the lonely, sick of the same old-same,
fantasy escape for the sexually needy and addict, secretive-closet-doer and
dreamer's paradise and a sure ka-ching for those who publish it.

Well, all is in the mind and getting from one form of porn to another
is a mind trip - a mind choice. Doing and not is instigated by desire but the
master planner is our brain. A geographic, of any kind, starts with a vision.
So where can food porners indulge in gratification and experience to
get the biggest bang? It all depends on how much drooling; mulling and wolfing
one wants to do.
Some attest (I agree) that an orgasmic experience is in the mind,
without anyone knowing, but there are times when material additives add to
momentum and make the outcome more pronounced, satisfying and gratifying.
So how, when and where can one get physical with food porn? And, what
is the defining line between food and food sensuality?
Want more? Here is some f-porn and there is plenty more for you to find on your own:
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