Years ago we bought a home, supposedly to retire
in but because of the economy John, my husband, insisted we must let it go, I
was on the fence about it.
When without pressing, the lender, low and behold, gave us a great
deal I said to John, just before he left to do some food shopping, “Think about all the possibilities open
to us”. John came back and said, “We are moving to Hummingbird." That is the
name of the street the house we were walking away from is on. I wondered what had John shopped for.
In less than a month, Hummingbird is the house we
are going to live in, maybe for the rest of our lives, and that is a hard move.
The place is farther away from our families; it already feels lonely. However,
it is a community with so much to do that we hope our family and friends
will love to visit.
What I loved about it when we first bought it still inspires me: the
abundance of nature and trees and wonderful views. There I hope to write a lot
and maybe even learn to paint and one day play an instrument. Is that too
much to ask for in my golden years: I think not.
Thinking about colors schemes
and décor I said to the contractor that will do some renovating, and the
painter, "I wanted a sort of Spanish/Moroccan/Asian style" (well it
goes with my eclectic collection from years of finds and gifts).
Tonight, I could not sleep. Should be writing
an article to submit - I was warned with termination for not submitting copy for over a month - nevertheless, here I am thinking
about the home we are letting go. Looking around, packed boxes that soon will
be taken with everything by a moving company meld in the darkness. In the darkness,
it looks so empty of things but so full of the memories of events that flowed
in and out in years: family gatherings, graduations, weddings, births and
To curtail my sadness I decide to give our
Hummingbird home a name, connect with it. I love hummingbirds and started to
look at pictures and files online. In doing a search I came upon a hummingbird from my native Nicaragua, the
beautiful Guardabarranco Colibri. Our house is on a steep hill and
Guardabarranco translates thus: “guarda” guard, save, or keep safe, and “barranco” is ravine. What a
coincidence, the one thing that makes me nervous about the hummingbird house is that it is perched on a steep hill, that could be considered a ravine,
and I find a name of a hummingbird that means keep the ravine safe.
I don't even remember that hummingbird! We will name our new
home "Casa del Guardabarranco Colibri". Of course, most will not be able to
pronounce it and many will make fun of it... until they learn to love it. The
Guardabarranco Colibri is Nicaragua's National bird and is plumed in colors I love.
Curtesy of:
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